Feral Cat Initiative
Thousands of feral cats have been helped by this vital program that follows the humane practice of trap-neuter-release and provides support for the dedicated people who care for feral cat colonies in their neighborhoods.

Feral cats are free-roaming cats that are untamed and unsuitable for adoption. If left alone, they keep reproducing and can become a neighborhood nuisance prompting well-meaning community members to call animal control to take care of them. However, when those cats are removed and killed, new cats simply move in to take over the territory.
In the process of Trap-Neuter-Return the cat is humanely trapped, then transported to a vet where it is spayed or neutered, ear tipped and rabies vaccinated. The cat is then released back to its original outdoor location and managed by a caregiver who will manage the colony and maintain a clean environment through controlled feeding.
Little Shelters Feral Cat Initiative helps permanently reduce the colony size through attrition, reduces nuisance behaviors such as male spraying and fighting and lowers the number of cats and kittens brought to overburdened shelters, which results in reduced costs associated with housing and euthanasia.
The cost of the Feral Cat Initiative is covered in full by Little Shelter. Please help us to continue and expand this important initiative.
For more information or to purchase a low cost certificate, call 631.368.8770 ext. 27 and leave a message. Your call will be returned as soon as possible.