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Meet Gus!

Pit Bull Mix


With a gruff exterior and a gooey center, meet Max, a seven year old Pit mix. If human, he‘d be seen driving around town in an Oldsmobile with bench seats, roll down windows and fuzzy dice hanging from the rear view mirror! Though he may occasionally complain a bit, he will also give you the plaid shirt off his back and go out of his way to secure your favorite treat (as long as you share!). Admitting to being a little set in his ways, he likes to take his time on walks, sniffing his way along, going where the wind (and his nose)takes him. Gus, like any dog, will teach you to enjoy the simple things and appreciate life to the fullest. If this solid citizen sounds like the perfect match for you, stop by to meet Gus today!

*Gus is fully grown and housebroken*

Dog Friendly: Yes    Cat Friendly: Must Meet

Gus is Not Sponsored.

For more information about sponsoring a shelter pet, call (631) 368-8770 Ext. 26 or send us an e-mail.

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